Friday, January 14, 2011


This seems like a good time for a musical interlude.  Here are Sophie and Anna playing the bamboo xylophone:
I have a few observations.  First of all, my daughters have seen more of the world than I did by the time I was 20.  They understand passports, visas and how to efficiently get through TSA security.  They can have a knowledgeable debate about the differences between navigating Paris versus Hong Kong.  There may not be much left on this planet for their post-college trip, so hopefully Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic space flights are running smoothly by 2022.

Second, not only are Sophie and Anna more worldly, they are also more brave -- whether it's whitewater rafting, riding an ox or playing a funky instrument -- deal them in, they are ready to play.  I was (and continue to be) a better observer than participant, so their courage must come from Ed's genes. 

What's more, the girls are enthusiastically interested in these new, peculiar things.

They are interested in how to carve a piece of soap (carefully),
how to handle exotic reptiles (very carefully)
and how to climb a coconut tree (also carefully).

Is there a phase coming when they're too cool to be interested in these things?  Is there a vaccine against that?  I want them to be enthralled with the world for the rest of their lives.

For now anyway, the girls are both engaged and engaging, and we are delighted and proud.

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